This is my newest acquisition - I found this house at my local thrift shop. A couple of weeks ago I stopped by - I have found that thrift stores are a great resource for miniatures. You never know what you will find. Anyway on my first visit I was in a hurry so I didn't spend too much time except to note that the house was there. Also it was priced a little more than I wanted to pay - after all it is called "bargin shopping."
Anyway on my second visit this little forlorn house was priced at $6.99 - so of course I felt it must follow me home. It was poorly put together with hot glue. For future information for you newbies, NEVER use hot glue to put a dollhouse together - especially in Arizona. Besides the glue looking gloppy, it is not permanent. Because it was in the car for several hours before I could get it home, the seams loosened, they would certainly not hold up to any type of use or decoration so it will have to be reglued.