Saturday, October 17, 2015

Another Finish

Every January my friend Carole and I go to the Arizona Quilt and Craft show at the fair grounds. A couple years ago Carole and I met Loralie Harris. She designs fabric and machine embroidery designs. I purchased some designs, went home stitched them out and promptly put them aside. My original thought was to make a quilt in red, black and white. As you can see that plan didn't work out. 

Most of the fabrics were also designed by Loralie. After some thought I decided to quilt around the embroidery. It's only the second time I have done so - I think it would have been OK to stitch over the embroidery because it is a single color embroidery and the designs aren't dense. But it did give me some practice with semi-custom quilting. 

1 comment:

Vilhelm man said...

Have a Wonderful Weekend!